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среда, 10. јул 2013.

Pacific Rim Trailer !!!

So Pacific Rim is coming out tommorow , are you excited , i know i am !
Pacific Rim is an upcoming science fiction movie where monsters meet robots in a true battle of giants.
Due out early July, the movie is written by Travis Beacham and Guillermo del Toro, with del Toro also taking on directing duty.
Set in the near future, giant mosters rise up from the Pacific Ocean terrorizing the world and taking millions of lives. To combat this threat the survivors design and build giant robots to take on this new enemy and stop the impending apocalypse.

Arrrrrnold is back!

Schwarzeneger confirms role in Terminator 5 !!!

The Dark Knight Rises ! Pure Awesomeness

Eight years on, a new evil rises from where the Batman and Commissioner Gordon tried to bury it, causing the Batman to resurface and fight to protect Gotham City... the very city which brands him an enemy.
Director:Christophar Nolan
SO Lets begin sha'll we?! 
This movie will BLOW YOU AWAY. Nolan has done it again.Christian Bale can now be officialy called one of the best Batmans ever, and this trilogu THE BEST Batman franchise so far.Comparing this one to the rest in the series , this one is one a much greater level.As i said the acting is amazing and Bane's character and character development also astonishing , dark and mysterous just like what in a good batman movie should be . Now for the costumes , special effects and the batmobile (don't forget the batmobil) phenomenal as always.Scenes were tense, dark and surprsingly scary at some points.All arounf an outstanding movie, Nolan has taken brilliance to a whole new level a 10/10 A truly must watch movie !

The Amazing Spider-Man !

So have you seen it yet? I know im a little late but lets get started. I checked on some other websites to see other peoples opinions ,and i see that they write that its unnecessary, overrated and that there is no reason to start filming the exact same spiderman as 2002 . But i disagree with them . I really enjoyed the Toby Maguire  Version of Spidy , But i like this one a little more.I think that Andrew did an amazing job as spider-man to me he really nailed the fitness of spider-man as the behaviour also.And also the chemistry between Emma Stone (As Gwen , who also did a fantastic job) and Andrew Garfield in phenomenal , and wasn't forced as you can feel in the Rami's version.The costume designers did a good job with the costumes the special effects were really good , but that's just the iceing on the cake.The emotional scenes were really well played , you could really feel the emotion, as when Flash comes to apologize, and Peter listening to his Uncle Bens voice message.I also believe that they've made Spideys sense of humor better in this remake , and i really enjoyed the becoming spider-man scenes, To me this is as Spider-Man as it gets, Can't wait for the next one

уторак, 9. јул 2013.

For you bookworms

For those who enjoy reading books , a perfect blog for you ! Just check it out and see for yourself

Playing Hitman Absolution B)

Despicable Me 2

Despicable Me 2 is as i see it an unnecessary continuation to the first 2010 part in which we meet Gru a not so evil villain who finds meaning in his life becoming a father (sort of).
As in the first part , the animation is extraoridnary , comedy also excellent , and the minions again cute as hell!
The main plot is around Gru becoming the good guy , and his romance with Lucy, so there basically isn't much of the storyline.
In the sequel just like in the original , the villain is more funny and bumbly than actually scary , who owns a Mexican Restaurant , but when he dons a mask he becomes a Mexican wrestler wanting to rule the owrld.
But the minions also have their share of the screen , with their gogles and hilarious little laugh at some ordinary words.
All around i believe Despicable Me 2 brings more excitment and comedy to children rather than adults unlike the first part.

понедељак, 8. јул 2013.

How To Write Movie Reviews (Explained)!

I know that a lot of you wonder how to write reviews,as you see for ex. on IMdB , Rotten Tomatoes or such websites , so im going to give 2 interesting websites you can check out to see the methods to writing your first review.
Here is also one yt tutorial

Which movie are you more excited to see?

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Monster University! One of the most waited movies ever :D

As a sequel to Monster Inc.,it's actually made to be a prequel like in the Star Wars franchise.And as i said in the title , one of the most waited.As being a sequal to one of the Pixars biggest succeses and one of the most watched animations ever , this movie was expected to be just as good.An interesting thing when watching this movie is that while you are watching it you feel a little warm fuzz because its like you're reuniting with your old frieds or such.As expected the movie had a lot of funny moments , but what i didn't like about it that it had the plot twist really late at the movie so the idea couldn't gain a lot of traction.Overall a good but could have been better movie , also watchable for adults.
Annoying Taco

Can't Wait For "The Wolverine"

Our favourite Ninja Fighting,Claw Sharpening,A Little Smelly , with a few anger managment problems Superhero is back in the Cinemas on only 17 DAYS . With a little dissapointment in the first chapter i really ,really , really want to see this one much better .

World War Z !

Now there has been a lot of fuss about this movie coming out , the question was ," is it going to be just another Zombie movie?" Well between the ordinary Zombies Attacking and People Trying to find a cure , this movie was surprisingly very good (atleast for me).For me a big surprise was seeing Pit in cast with a lot of unfamiliar faces .And what i also liked in the movie that it had quite a few good scares , and that the Director Marc Forster tryed to really embrace some scenes as they are int he book , for example the shootings in Jerusalem.The only thing i didn't like about the movie was that there was bearly any character development , i mean you can find out everything about the family in the first 5 - 10 minutes in the movie . But non the less a truly brilliant movie and for sure one the most epic this year.
Annoying Taco ;)

Welcome !

Welcome to my own and personal blog , made by only Me , Myself and I .Blog will be used for only movie reviews , and in the near future i will make another one about Game Reviews! I'll be posting new reviews almost everyday , so i hope you'll check them out ;) . See ya later ;)