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среда, 10. јул 2013.

The Amazing Spider-Man !

So have you seen it yet? I know im a little late but lets get started. I checked on some other websites to see other peoples opinions ,and i see that they write that its unnecessary, overrated and that there is no reason to start filming the exact same spiderman as 2002 . But i disagree with them . I really enjoyed the Toby Maguire  Version of Spidy , But i like this one a little more.I think that Andrew did an amazing job as spider-man to me he really nailed the fitness of spider-man as the behaviour also.And also the chemistry between Emma Stone (As Gwen , who also did a fantastic job) and Andrew Garfield in phenomenal , and wasn't forced as you can feel in the Rami's version.The costume designers did a good job with the costumes the special effects were really good , but that's just the iceing on the cake.The emotional scenes were really well played , you could really feel the emotion, as when Flash comes to apologize, and Peter listening to his Uncle Bens voice message.I also believe that they've made Spideys sense of humor better in this remake , and i really enjoyed the becoming spider-man scenes, To me this is as Spider-Man as it gets, Can't wait for the next one

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